Beagle Basenji Mix

An adventurous scent hound hybrid with inherited talents, the Beagle Basenji mix offers a charming personality for active families. Let’s explore the traits of this unique canine blend.

The Beagle Basenji mix is a fun-loving hybrid resulting from the intentional breeding of two iconic hunting breeds – the Beagle and Basenji. Their combined genetics create a compact, curly-tailed companion with heightened senses and independent spirit. While mixed-breed traits vary, these pups typically embody the most desirable qualities of both parent lineages.

Size13-16 inches, 25-40 pounds
CoatVaries from sleek to wiry; colors include red, tan, black, brindle
TemperamentPlayful, social, curious, loyal, energetic, moderately independent
SheddingModerate shedding; self-grooms frequently
Lifespan12-15 years
TrainingResponds to positive reinforcement; can be stubborn
Exercise Needs30-60 minutes per day minimum of walks, play, hiking
Grooming NeedsWeekly brushing; occasional nail trims and ear cleaning
Health IssuesPotential for hip dysplasia, retinal atrophy; crossing reduces risks
Energy LevelHigh; needs mental and physical stimulation daily
Good for Families?Yes, if given attention, training and outdoor activities
Kids/Other PetsGets along well with socialization from a young age
Price$300-800 USD on average from breeders; shelter costs vary
Hypoallergenic?No, sheds moderately year-round

Understanding the Beagle Breed

Beagles have a long history as small game hunters, using their impressive noses to track cottontails and birds across the countryside. With their friendly, gentle natures, loud baying vocals and floppy ears, Beagles also make excellent family pets despite heavy shedding. Well-suited for outdoor explorations, Beagles thrive on interactive play and treats.

Understanding the Basenji Breed

Originating from Central Africa, the elegant Basenji is often called a “barkless dog” due to its unusual yodeling vocalizations. With a slender build and regal presence, Basenjis are independent yet charismatic companions. Remarkably clean canines, they self-groom constantly and hunt small prey. Basenjis require early training to establish respectful boundaries within families.

Characteristics of the Beagle Basenji mix

Appearing as petite mixes of their parental lineages, Beagle Basenjis stand 13-16 inches tall and weigh 25-40 pounds. Their coats vary from sleek to wiry-haired with fur coloring possibilities including tan, red, black or brindle. With prick ears similar to Beagles and curled tails inherited from Basenjis, these rescues tend to be elegant hounds with inquisitive personalities.

Temperament and Intelligence of a Basenji and Beagle Mix

Blessed with the best traits of both breeds, Beagle Basenjis are playful, loyal and affectionate companions ready to please. Equipped with sharp noses for sniffing adventures, they remain agile indoor pets able to adapt family routines. Due to their Beagle heritage of patience and people-focus alongside Basenji independence, the breed bonds closely while retaining a degree of “cat-like” aloofness. Early socialization is important to establish themselves as well-behaved pets.

Things to Know When Owning a Basenji and Beagle Mix

Food & Diet Requirements

Like selective Basenjis, Beagle Basenjis can develop picky appetites. Start with high-quality kibble optimized for their size while discouraging “people food” begging tendencies.

Training and Socialization Tips for the Beagle Basenji Mix

Consistency, positive reinforcement and early obedience classes establish authority respectfully. Mix breeds may inherit Beagle stubbornness, remedied through patient repetition. Socializing this hybrid as a puppy aids their outgoing nature around new people.

Exercise and Grooming Needs of the Beagle Basenji Mix

Daily walks and play sessions burn energy. Provide interactive puzzle toys indoors. Beagle Basenjis shed moderately yet require periodic brushing along with nail clippings to maintain their clean coat look. Ears should also be checked and cleaned regularly.

Common Health Conditions in the Beagle Basenji mix

Crossbreed vigor means fewer genetic risks, yet hip dysplasia or progressive retinal atrophy may occasionally appear. Choosing reputable breeders conducting health screenings optimizes puppy wellness.

Male vs. Female

Either sex suits this hybrid equally well with no heavy size distinctions. Loyal family temperament depends more upon individual traits than gender.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

Absolutely! With dedication to training and exercise needs, Beagle Basenji mixes thrive in homes able to respect their instinctive independence alongside loving care. These smart, sociable hounds become well-adjusted companions.

What’s the price of Basenji Beagle Mix?

Crossbreed costs vary based on gender, age and background yet average $300-800 USD from ethical hobby breeders. Finding mixes at shelters may be cheaper or involve an adoption fee. By contrast, purchasing from puppy mills supports inhumane practices. Purebred Beagles generally sell for $700-1500 while Basenjis range anywhere from $1000-3000 each depending on breeding lines.

Pros of Basenji Beagle Mix

  • Predictably friendly, loyal family pet nature.
  • Eager to please attitude with devoted bonds.
  • Built-in exercise drive yet content indoors too.
  • Self-grooming coats require moderate care.
  • Typically healthy and long-lived combination.
  • Designer dog appeal captivates many owners.

Cons of Basenji Beagle Mix

  • High energy levels demand daily activity and attention.
  • Inherited independence calls for patient obedience training.
  • Slight potential for tummy upset from intolerances.
  • Tendency to bark for Beagles or howl for Basenjis indoors.
  • Hybrid puppies carry unknown purebred traits.
  • Challenge finding reputable breeders versus shelter mixes.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

Socialized from youth, Beagle Basenji blends readily accept cats or canine housemates of any size. Introducing them slowly improves bonding odds, while unaltered dogs pose heightened risk for territorial tensions. Overall, their friendly natures bode well for multi-pet homes given proper supervision.

Finding and Adopting a Beagle Basenji Mix

Support ethical breeders health-testing parents and socializing litters with care. Online research reveals potential local options. Finding a Beagle Basenji through rescue ensures abandoned mixes receive second chances, yet requires patience waiting for a suitable match. Meet puppies in-person before any commitments for best compatibility judging.

Beagle Basenji Mix vs. Purebred Beagle or Basenji

While hybrids embrace unpredictable genetics, Beagle Basenji crosses often mirror the outgoing curiosity of Beagles alongside Basenji independence and hunting abilities. In contrast, buying purebreds guarantees consistent traits but neglects shelter dogs. All deserve loving homes suited to individual personalities.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Basenji and Beagle Mix

1. The Basenji is a “barkless” dog.

Instead of vocalizing frequently like other hounds, the ancient Basenji breed communicates through strange yodeling and trilling sounds.

2. The Basenji is a self-groomer.

Naturally clean canines, Basenjis remain virtually odor-free thanks to devoted self-cleaning habits passed on genetically.

3. Your Basenji and Beagle Mix comes from a long line of hunters.

The hunting instincts of both parental breeds shine through a Beagle Basenji’s playful nature and superior scenting abilities fine-tuned over centuries.

Looking for Other Beagle Mix Breeds?

The Beagle retains popularity amongst crossbreeds including playful Beagle Feist mixes or smaller Beagle Pug dogs. No matter the blend, these merry scent hounds brighten any home!


In summary, the adventurous Beagle Basenji mix inherits the best qualities of two cherished hunting lineages. With care catered to their exercise and attention needs, these resilient hybrids develop as loyal, devoted family members for active owners ready to appreciate their charismatic spirit. Their hunting heritage and light grooming demands make Beagle Basenjis worthwhile companion prospects blessed with curiosity, affection and lively personalities.


What is the average size of an adult Beagle Basenji?
Ranging 13-16 inches tall and 25-40 pounds.

How long do Beagle Basenjis typically live?
12-15 years as a healthy mixed breed.

Are all Beagle Basenji coats wiry or do some have softer fur?
Coat textures vary between sleek and curly-haired depending on genetics.

Will my Beagle Basenji bond closely or remain aloof?
With early socialization, these playful blends usually grow attached while retaining independence.

How much exercise does the breed need each day?
At least 30-60 minutes of play, walks, backyard activities or interactive toys.

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