Lemon White Beagles: A Rare and Fascinating Beagle Color

Beagles are one of America’s most beloved dog breeds. With their friendly personalities, compact size, and adorable floppy ears, it’s easy to see why these scent hounds make such excellent family companions. While the classic tricolor beagle with black, brown, and white fur is the most familiar, beagles actually come in a diverse range of colors and patterns. One of the rarest and most eye-catching is the lemon white beagle.

Lemon white beagles have a light tan or lemon-colored coat accented with bright white markings. Their unique coloration gives them a sunny, cheerful appearance that matches their typically sunny dispositions. While not an officially recognized color by breed registries like the AKC, lemon white beagles are slowly gaining popularity among beagle enthusiasts drawn to their warm, golden tones and striking looks.

In this article, we’ll explore the genetics behind the lemon white beagle’s coloring and patterns. We’ll look at how this variety emerged, examine their physical traits and temperament, and provide tips on caring for these bright bundles of beagle joy. Whether you’re curious about a rare dog breed or considering adding one of these special beagles to your home, read on to learn all about this vibrant canine color morph.

SizeSmall to medium-sized
Coat ColorTypically tri-color (black, white, and tan)
TemperamentFriendly, curious, and gentle
LifespanAround 10-15 years
Exercise NeedsModerate to high
Grooming RequirementsLow-maintenance coat, regular brushing
IntelligenceIntelligent, but can be independent
PurposeOriginally bred for hunting

Explore Amazing Beagle Colors

The beagle’s hallmark tricolor coat occurs in many stunning shades. The classic black, tan, and white is just one possibility in their diverse color palette. Beagles also come in:

  • Red and white: Deep reddish tan and white markings
  • Lemon and white: Light tan/lemon with white
  • Blue tick: Black, tan, and white with a bluish mottled pattern on white areas
  • Chocolate tri: Chocolate brown, tan, and white
  • Chocolate and tan: Solid chocolate and tan without white
  • Black and tan: Black and tan without white markings
  • Fawn and white: Light brownish gray and white
  • Red tick: Dark reddish tan with tan ticking on white
  • Pied: Large irregular white patches on a dark background
  • Orange and white: Rich dark orange and white
  • Lemon pied: Large white patches on a light lemon background

This amazing variety comes from different combinations of genes on the beagle’s Agouti, Intensity, Tan Point, and Spotting loci. While tricolor is the most common, breeding programs sometimes prioritize other colors like lemon white. Let’s look closer at the genetics behind this bright beauty!

Lemon Beagle Vs. Regular Beagle: What’s the Difference?

So what sets apart a lemon beagle from a “regular” tricolor beagle? The key difference lies in their tan point coloring. All beagles have a version of the tan point gene, which produces tan markings on the muzzle, eyebrows, chest, and legs. This contrasts with the white and darker areas.

In tricolor beagles, the tan points are a rich reddish brown. But in lemon beagles, a recessive mutation at the Intensity locus dilutes the tan to a lighter lemon or pale yellow. This creamy pastel tone is what gives lemon beagles their name. They may range from pale butterscotch to a warm gold.

Aside from coat color, lemon beagles share all the typical beagle characteristics. They have the same compact muscular build, domed skull, and pleading adorable expression. The only difference is their tan markings have been lightened to a signature lemon hue.

History of the Lemon Beagle

While beagles as a breed date back hundreds of years, the exact origins of lemon white beagles are more recent and murky. Let’s explore some leading theories on where this sunny color variation comes from.

Where Did the Lemon Beagle Come From?

Beagles were first established as a breed in England in the 1500s when they were bred as scent hounds for rabbit hunting. Early beagles came in a rainbow of colors. While tricolor was common, lemon white beagles likely appeared occasionally from recessive genes.

Some believe lemon beagles originated from selective breeding in 20th century American kennels. Breeders intentionally bred dogs carrying the recessive e gene that dilutes tan points to create distinctive lemon and white beagles.

Others think lemon beagles occurred naturally from random e gene inheritance. As beagles spread to America and the gene pool diversified, more dogs inherited double e genes by chance producing lemon coloration.

Regardless of exact origins, lemon beagles remain quite rare. While they’ve grown in popularity, tricolor is still the predominant color according to beagle registries.

Explaining the Genetics that Create the Lemon Beagle Coat Color

The lemon beagle’s unique shade stems from recessive mutations on the E locus and Agouti locus. Here’s an overview of the key genetic factors:

The E locus determines the darkness of a dog’s black pigment. The dominant E allele produces a deep black pigment. The recessive e allele dilutes black to gray, lightening tan points.

The Agouti locus controls distribution of pigment on each hair. Ay produces the classic beagle pattern: black back with red/tan points. A recessive mutation at produces solid tan coloring or very light tan points.

Lemon beagles inherit two copies of the recessive e allele. This dilutes black pigment to gray and lightens tan points to pale lemon. They also inherit the ay mutation diminishing black areas further. Together this creates the signature lemon white pattern.

Selective breeding continues to produce more beagles with this rare genetic combination, increasing lemon beagles’ visibility. But they remain uncommon compared to the classic tricolor beagle most people are familiar with.

Lemon Beagles and the E-Locus Gene

As mentioned, the e allele on the E locus plays a critical role in producing the lemon beagle’s light coat color. Let’s take a closer look at how this gene works.

Different Ways of Getting a Lemon Beagle

There are two main ways a beagle can end up with diluted tan points:

1. Heterozygous (Ee): The beagle inherits one dominant E allele and one recessive e allele. This results in lighter tan points rather than full lemon.

2. Homozygous recessive (ee): The beagle inherits two recessive e alleles. This dilutes the tan points to the pale lemon shade that defines this variety.

To produce consistent lemon coloring, both parents must carry the recessive e gene. Then they have a 25% chance of producing ee puppies with each litter.

Different Shades of Lemon Beagles

While called “lemon”, this beagle variety exhibits some range in exact tone depending on modifiers like:

  1. Diet
  2. Genetic background
  3. Environmental factors
  4. Some common shades include:
  5. Buttermilk: Very pale, almost white
  6. Light butterscotch
  7. Golden yellow
  8. Warm peach
  9. Light apricot
  10. Pale orange

Dilution can also alter eye color. Instead of the typical brown, lemon beagles often have hazel, green, or amber eyes. The pigment in their noses and paw pads fades to pink or light brown as well.

Two Different Recessive Genes in a Single Beagle

Some rare beagles have a double dilute genotype: ee on E locus and bb on B locus. This results in a pale cream coat with pink nose/paws.

These double dilute lemon beagles are exceptionally rare. Breeding two together often results in vision and hearing problems so reputable breeders avoid this.

Solid Lemon Beagle vs. Lemon and White Beagle

Like other beagle colors, lemon beagles have two main patterns:

  • Lemon and white: The typical pattern with white markings on areas like the neck, chest, legs, and tip of tail.
  • Solid lemon: Less common, the entire coat is lemon with no white markings. This requires the recessive ss genotype on the Spotting locus.

Lemon and white is generally more prized for adhering to the classic beagle look. But solid lemons have a striking, almost golden appearance.

Lemon Beagles: Unique Physical Characteristics

Let’s take a closer look at what makes the lemon beagle stand out from a physical perspective.

What does the lemon Beagle look like?

The lemon beagle has the same body type and structure as any other beagle. The only difference is their unique coloring:

  • Coat: Light tan/lemon colored fur accented with white markings
  • Eyes: Often amber, green, or hazel rather than brown
  • Nose & paws: Pinkish rather than black
  • Ears: Floppy long ears like all beagles

Puppies may be born with very pale coats that deepen to lemon as they mature. Guard hairs in adulthood help enrich the pastel lemon tone.

How big does the lemon Beagle get?

Like all beagles, lemon beagles are a small to mid-sized breed. Size standards from the AKC Beagle breed standard are:

  • Height: 13-15 inches
  • Weight: 18-30 pounds

Males tend to be slightly larger than females. But in general, the lemon beagle ranges from petite to a sturdy medium size as an adult dog.

Lemon Beagle vs. Tan Beagle: What’s the difference?

Lemon and tan beagles are very similar, but lemons have a paler dilution of the tan markings:

  • Lemon beagles: Very pale cream to light butterscotch
  • Tan beagles: Richer reddish-brown tan

So while tan points have a reddish tint, lemon points are more pastel golden. The body shape remains the same between the two color varieties.

Are Lemon Beagles Rare?

Relative to popular tricolor beagles, lemon beagles are rare. Specific numbers are uncertain, but they likely make up less than 5% of AKC registered beagles. Their uniqueness adds to their appeal for beagle enthusiasts looking for a more exotic shade.

Personality Traits and Temperament of Lemon Beagles

Lemon beagles have the same endearing personality traits that make beagles such beloved family dogs. Let’s look at what defines these cheerful pups.

Lemon Beagle Temperament

Like all beagles, lemon beagles have a happy, upbeat temperament. Key personality traits include:

  • Affectionate: Loyal and loving family companions
  • Playful: Fun-loving and energetic
  • Intelligent: Eager to please but sometimes stubborn
  • Curious: Nose is always sniffing and exploring
  • Social: Gets along well with kids, other dogs, and pets

They inherited the beagle breed’s signature “merry” temperament.

Lemon Beagle Intelligence and Trainability

Lemon beagles are intelligent dogs adept at thinking for themselves. This can make training challenging at times.

Potential training issues include:

Distractibility – that beagle nose is easily distracted!

Selective hearing when their nose is on a scent.

Single-minded determination to follow an interesting smell.

However, lemon beagles respond extremely well to positive reinforcement training and food rewards. Their food motivation makes training fun and effective when started young.

Many lemon beagle owners comment on how smart and quick to learn their dogs are when properly motivated. Early socialization and training helps ensure good behavior.

Health Concerns and Care for Lemon Beagles

Lemon beagles have the same health considerations as any beagle. Here’s an overview of their care needs:

Health Concerns

  • Obesity – Weight control is important. Measure food and avoid table scraps.
  • Hypothyroidism – Lemon beagles are prone to this endocrine disorder. Symptoms include lethargy, obesity, and skin conditions. Medication can help manage it.
  • Hip Dysplasia – Screen breeding dogs to reduce risk. Maintain lean body weight.
  • Ear Infections – Floppy ears don’t allow air circulation. Check ears weekly and clean as needed.
  • Cherry Eye – Protrusion of third eyelid gland. Usually corrected with minor surgery.

Training and Exercise Needs

  • 45-60 minutes of daily exercise. Brisk walks, play time, or hiking.
  • Mental stimulation from training, games, puzzles. Keep their active minds engaged.
  • Positive reinforcement training. Use treats and praise as rewards.
  • Proper socialization and obedience training from a young age. Attend puppy classes.
  • Secure fenced yards. Their strong nose will follow scents if able to wander.

Dietary Needs

  • 1-1.5 cups of high quality dry dog food, divided into two meals. Avoid overfeeding.
  • Monitor weight and adjust food if needed. Don’t feed table scraps.
  • Provide chew toys to satisfy chewing urge.
  • Fresh clean water available at all times.

Grooming Needs

  • Weekly brushing to remove dead hair. Use a hound mitt.
  • Bathing every few months or as needed. Use mild dog shampoo.
  • Trim nails regularly to avoid cracks or splitting.
  • Brush teeth weekly.
  • Check and clean ears weekly.

Compatibility with Families, Children, and Other Pets

Lemon beagles make wonderful family companions. Their affectionate, playful nature makes them a great fit for families.

  • Excellent with children: Lemon beagles love kids and gently play with them. Always supervise young children and teach them how to properly interact.
  • Compatible with other pets: Their amiable temperament allows them to live harmoniously with other dogs or cats. Proper socialization is key.
  • Adaptable to different lifestyles: Lemon beagles thrive as both city and rural pets. Ensure they get adequate daily activity.
  • Pleasant with strangers: Lemon beagles are rarely shy or aggressive. Their outgoing nature helps them make friends easily.

Lemon beagles might snort and snore a bit, but that’s normal for them. A friendly, patient temperament and moderate energy level contribute to the lemon beagle’s excellent family dog capabilities. Their versatility lets them succeed in a wide range of households. With an affectionate lemon beagle by your side, you’ll always have a cheerful companion.

Final Thoughts

For beagle lovers looking for something more exotic, the lively and affectionate lemon beagle makes a wonderful pet. Their unique golden coats and commonly green or hazel eyes give them a striking and distinctive look compared to the classic tricolor beagle.

While originally a rare color mutation, selective breeding has allowed lemon and white beagles to become an established variety. Their rarity means they may be harder to find from breeders than common color types. But the search is well worth it for fans of this eye-catching shade.

In temperament and needs, the lemon beagle is identical to any other beagle. Provide lots of exercise and mental stimulation for these active pups. Positive training and early socialization ensures you end up with a happy, well-mannered family dog. Monitor food intake to prevent obesity, and stay up to date on health screening.

With their sunny yellow coats and cheery personalities, these beauties live up to their name by spreading smiles wherever they go. Their sweetness appeals even to those normally partial to the classic tri looks. While the tricolor remains the most popular, more people are discovering the lemon beagle’s charm.

If a bright splash of golden yellow sounds like the perfect addition to your home, the lemon beagle could be your ideal match. Their coloring is rare but their lovable beagle qualities are anything but. Bring one of these rays of sunshine into your life today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do lemon Beagles shed a lot?

Lemon beagles shed a moderate amount, especially during seasonal shedding periods. Regular brushing helps control loose hair.

How much does a Lemon Beagle puppy for sale cost?

From a breeder, lemon beagle puppies usually cost $500-$1500 USD depending on pedigree and breeder reputation.

How long do lemon Beagles live?

The average lifespan of a lemon beagle is 10-15 years. Providing proper care and nutrition can help maximize longevity.

Do Lemon Beagles bark a lot?

Lemon beagles are somewhat vocal dogs and will bark when excited or wanting attention. Training can help curb excessive barking behavior.

Can lemon beagles be completely white?

While rare, it is possible for a lemon beagle to lack the typical white markings and be completely lemon/tan colored.

Are there any health issues specific to lemon beagles?

There are no health issues specific to lemon coloration. They share the same health risks as beagles of other colors.

What is the average size of a lemon beagle?

The average size is 13-15 inches tall at the shoulder and 18-30 pounds. Males tend to be slightly bigger than females.

Where can I find lemon beagle breeders?

Contact local beagle breed clubs or search online for breeders specializing in lemon and white beagles. Ensure they do health testing.

Are lemon and white beagles the same as lemon beagles?

Yes, lemon beagle and lemon and white beagle refer to the same light tan-colored beagle variety.

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